
除塵器_推焦車除塵器_裝煤車除塵器_布袋除塵器_【闊海環(huán)?!?/h1> 客服:18903178757

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當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè) > 技術(shù)文檔 > 鍋爐除塵器外殼的重要性
鍋爐除塵器使用效果好壞和它的外殼設(shè)計(jì)也有重要關(guān)系。從材料本身來(lái)看,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)可以達(dá)到很高的效率,但是,往往由于鍋爐除塵器外殼設(shè)計(jì)不良,或者除塵器的布置、安裝存在缺點(diǎn),以致灰塵不經(jīng)過(guò)濾介質(zhì)而旁通過(guò)去,造成不好的后果。 The use effect of the boiler dust collector and its shell design also has important relations. From the point of view of the material itself, now you can achieve very high efficiency, however, often because of poor design of the boiler precipitator shell, or dust collector arrangement, installation has some shortcomings, so that dust without filter media and bypass the past, resulting in bad consequences. 關(guān)于外殼設(shè)計(jì)的基本要求,有這樣一些: Basic requirements on the shell design, there are such a number of: (1)把鍋爐除塵器裝在外殼內(nèi),應(yīng)當(dāng)讓氣流通過(guò)過(guò)濾器的方向傾向于把過(guò)濾器向密封面壓緊。如果不能這樣做,就必須采取適當(dāng)辦法把過(guò)濾器對(duì)著它的密封面夾緊,保證任何時(shí)候都不會(huì)松開(kāi)。 (1) the boiler dust collector is installed in the housing, should let the air flow through the filter in the direction of the filter to the sealing surface. If you can not do so, you must take the appropriate approach to the filter facing its sealing surface, to ensure that no time will be released. (2)如果氣流是垂直經(jīng)裝在外殼內(nèi)的過(guò)濾器,通常應(yīng)使空氣從上向下流動(dòng),因?yàn)檫@樣可以防止過(guò)濾器捕集的污染物在進(jìn)行維修等工作時(shí)失落。 (2) if the air flow is a vertical filter installed in the enclosure, the air is normally to be made to flow downward from the air, as this prevents the filter from being lost when it is being repaired. (3)外殼應(yīng)授有能聚集灰塵的突出面。 (3) the enclosure shall be granted with a prominent surface capable of gathering dust. (4)外殼折曲處應(yīng)成圓弧狀,以免形成集聚灰塵的角落。所有內(nèi)部焊接處,特別是密封面,均應(yīng)磨光。 (4) the shell should flex arc shape, so as to avoid the formation of agglomeration of dust in the corner. All internal welds, especially the sealing surface, should be smooth. (5)外殼尺寸應(yīng)當(dāng)便于對(duì)過(guò)濾器進(jìn)行維修等工作。這樣可能使鍋爐除塵器外殼體積稍大,但因維修方便,可以避免發(fā)生事故。 (5) the size of the enclosure shall facilitate the maintenance of the filter. This may cause the boiler dust collector shell size slightly larger, but the maintenance is convenient, can avoid the occurrence of accidents.


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