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當前位置:首頁 > 技術文檔 > 關于鍋爐除塵器的常識知道哪些呢?
我們在使用鍋爐除塵器需要懂得一些關于它的常識,這樣才能夠讓我們更好的運用它。那么有哪些常識是我們應該掌握的呢? We need to know something about it in the use of the boiler dust catcher, so that we can make use of it better. So what is the common sense that we should master it? 首先鍋爐除塵器之中有生物抑塵器的部分。這個部分專門針對于粉塵而產生的,相比較其他的設備而言所具有的優(yōu)勢還是非常明顯的。它能夠在被應用的過程中控制周圍環(huán)境當中粉塵的運動,讓粉塵的散發(fā)得到很好的抑制和控制,從一定的程度上來說可以將除塵的效率大大提高,并且還能夠讓它所付出的能耗有所降低。 First of all, the part of the dust collector in the boiler dust collector. This part of the special needle for dust and produce, compared to other equipment in terms of the advantages are very obvious. It can in the application is in the process of control environment among dust movement, let the dust distribution obtained very good inhibition and control, in a certain extent can will greatly improve the efficiency of dust removal, and also to make it pay the energy consumption decreased. 該部件進行運轉的時候可以讓出現(xiàn)的粉塵都變成細料,最后再變成成品的材料。這也是和它本身所利用到的生物納膜技術有著最為直接的關系,在這種關系之下可以讓產量有一定的增加。納膜的存在可以讓成品的材料不會對環(huán)境造成任何的污染,而且也很好的符合了我們國家環(huán)保節(jié)能的政策。 When running the parts can let the dust become fine, and then turned into finished materials. And this is its use to the bio nano membrane technology has the most direct relationship, in this relationship can make the yield increase to a certain extent. Nano film exists for the finished material will not cause any pollution to the environment, but also very well with our national policy of environmental protection and energy saving. 其次,鍋爐除塵器在結構上最大的特點就是它的結構較為簡單,而且所能夠耗費的價格也是比較低的。但是在工作起來的時候除塵的效率比較高。我們將其應用在一些高溫環(huán)境當中以及容易發(fā)生燃燒的環(huán)境當中都能夠安全的使用到這款產品。鍋爐除塵器在除塵的時候也可以適當?shù)淖寶怏w當中有害物質得到一定的清除。不過它也有自己不足的地方,比如說它的用水量比較大等等。我們在采購和使用之前都應該對這些不足進行衡量。 Secondly, the characteristics of the boiler precipitator maximum in the structure is its relatively simple structure, and can cost the price is relatively low. But when the dust removal efficiency of work is relatively high. We applied in some high temperature environment and easy combustion environment is safe to use this product. Boiler dust remover can also be appropriate for them to get some gas and harmful substances in the dust removal time. But it also has its own shortcomings, such as its water consumption is relatively large. We should all measure on these issues before the purchase and use of.


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